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Personality Paper - 1091 Words

Personality Paper Jo Hanousek University of Phoenix Karen Wilson Personality Paper Just as no two people are alike, no two personalities are alike. Each person’s personality is unique to the individual to whom it belongs. A person may share the same traits as others, such as family members, and while there may be similarities in traits, each individual will have different patterns which will help to make up a different personality (Feist Feist, 2006). A personality is made up of different characteristics which help to define a person and make them an individual. Besides traits and characteristics, a personality can be made up of a person’s thoughts, feelings, actions, and behavior. Definition of Theory A theory can be†¦show more content†¦When a person decides which approach is best for them it helps to factor in their own experiences as well the other theorists information. Theoretical Approaches The psychoanalytic approach to personality was made famous by Sigmund Freud. Freud’s thought behind the psychoanalytic approach was at first simple, and this was if the driving force of the problem was psychological but the person was not aware, or conscious, then the only answer was that the source of the symptom was that the problem must be unconscious (Pervin, Oliver, 1990). From there, the psychoanalytic approach began to develop more into the personality, as Freud broke down his beliefs on what is known as the Id, the ego, and the superego. Freud believed that childhood experiences help to determine the outcome of an adult’s personality. Freud’s theoretical approach to personality was also highly sexual. So to Freud or a follower of Freud or the psychoanalytic approach if a person came in the theory would be whether or not the person might have a strong enough ego or unresolved issues towards their mother for example. Another exa mple of a theoretical approach would be that of Alfred Adler. His approach was that of individualism. 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