Thursday, January 2, 2020

Personality Disorders That Affect Mental Health - 944 Words

Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the many types of personality disorders that affect mental health, in which people desire to be seen and admired more than the average person. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe they are more relevant or significant than others in society. They believe that due to their superiority in society, they do not need to take into consideration the feelings of others. However, like most people who have an immense amount sense of self importance and self-confidence, they have very little self-esteem and are sensitive to any criticism, regardless of how big or small it is. All of this limits their ability build friendships and relationships within their personal lives and society. There are many symptoms that can include being preoccupied with fantasies of having immense power, beauty, success and knowledge, believing that he or she is special so should in fact only be associated with the highest, having a huge sense of self-import ance and exaggerating achievements and talents, while expecting to be perceived as superior because of them. They also include taking advantage of others or exploits them to his or her personal benefit, lacking empathy, having trouble expressing relative emotions, often envious of others or believing that others are envious of him or her, regularly acting arrogant and haughty, and having a strong sense of entitlement, expects favorable treatment, and for people to cater to his or her everyShow MoreRelatedMental Illness And Its Stigma1363 Words   |  6 PagesMental Illness and Its Stigma â€Å"One in five adults in America experience mental illness,† (Mental Health, n.d., para 1). 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